Friday, February 24, 2012
Mad Men is back!
Completely remove everything from your calendar March 25 because Mad Men is back! Start shaking the martinis and prepare your lungs for some chain smoking. I can not wait.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Why ironing and snow go together
This one is really easy. Snow and ironing go together because when it snows I don't want to leave the house, I can stay in my pjs, and iron to my heart's content, and then my car stays un-wrecked. Yes I looove to iron, and no it isn't a mental illness. Ironing makes crumply things smooth. Natch. I am crazy, but I have to say I draw the line at ironing my sheets. Now, you might be asking yourself...who in the h-e-double fishsticks irons their sheets? ALL my friends that's who. I'm not kidding when I tell you 5 of my friends iron their sheets and one friend who sends them out to be pressed. (And you thought I needed help)
So what I'm saying is that I think it is perfectly normal to iron everything but sheets. I finally stopped ironing my kids t-shirts. Even though my older son did complain that he likes his shirts "smooth".
Oh and I don't do dress shirts for my husband. We send them out. So maybe I meant to say I like to iron my things, and a few of their things.
So what I'm saying is that I think it is perfectly normal to iron everything but sheets. I finally stopped ironing my kids t-shirts. Even though my older son did complain that he likes his shirts "smooth".
Oh and I don't do dress shirts for my husband. We send them out. So maybe I meant to say I like to iron my things, and a few of their things.
Isn't it nice to see everything all nice and "smooth". I think so too.
The other nice think is that when you hang like things together in your closet you can see that you might need to cut yourself off of buying gingham and plaid shirts. (Don't worry I won't do that to myself, but at least I know I have a problem, even though I choose not to address it.)
And then you might say, wow that is A Lot of white shirts. I love a crisp white shirt can you tell?
Look at this cute Ann Taylor suit a found at Goodwill. It is my third white suit this season. Of course they all came from Goodwill! I think they are all from the same donation. They are all the same size and I found them within a week or two. One is winter white, one is light-weight cotton, and this one is linen. Soo yes it will wrinkle again just by looking at it but so what I like to iron remember. Have I ever worn a white suit? No, but as you know I like to be prepared for my imaginary fabulous life. YES I washed and ironed it myself. I don't like dry cleaning. I think it smells disgusting and is full of chemicals. No, my husband doesn't mind the chemicals because he is crazy not me. (For the record)
Friday, February 17, 2012
Commercials that make me want to throw up.
Ooooooof this picture makes me queasy just THINKING about that disgusting Febreze commercial. First of all lets discuss the fact that I have a bionic nose. I swear I can smell Jean Nate two states over. Why is it that I always sit next to the lady that bathed herself in some Avon perfume. What the h? Everyone knows that if your dog pees on the carpet and you spray Febreze it just smells like cinnamon spice dog pee, which in my humble opinion is worse than when you started. ( Yes I have a dog so I can have a professional opinion. )
Secondly, my mom would kill me dead for going with some strange person into an abandoned warehouse blindfolded. Hello girls! Apparently you don't watch the ID channel obsessively. Anyone who watches 48 Hours Mystery re-runs over and over even though you know the husband did it, and then watch it again anyway, knows that you never go anywhere wearing a blindfold and then sniff a couch cushion. I panic when this commercial comes on...I can't change the channel fast enough!
The other offenders are the kitty litter commercials. Those of us who do not have kitties are pretty shocked to know that you are removing clumped up cat urine without throwing up and having to take a well deserved nap following a detox shower of Purell.
And did that Shitchky nut job just say "problems with a shedding p__s_y?" (yes like a cat) Why is it that advertisers think a person screaming at us with a British or Australian accent will make us run to the phone to buy his jacked up on speed whatever-your-selling? Whoever created the DVR is a freaking genius. I never want to watch another commercial again.
Secondly, my mom would kill me dead for going with some strange person into an abandoned warehouse blindfolded. Hello girls! Apparently you don't watch the ID channel obsessively. Anyone who watches 48 Hours Mystery re-runs over and over even though you know the husband did it, and then watch it again anyway, knows that you never go anywhere wearing a blindfold and then sniff a couch cushion. I panic when this commercial comes on...I can't change the channel fast enough!
The other offenders are the kitty litter commercials. Those of us who do not have kitties are pretty shocked to know that you are removing clumped up cat urine without throwing up and having to take a well deserved nap following a detox shower of Purell.
And did that Shitchky nut job just say "problems with a shedding p__s_y?" (yes like a cat) Why is it that advertisers think a person screaming at us with a British or Australian accent will make us run to the phone to buy his jacked up on speed whatever-your-selling? Whoever created the DVR is a freaking genius. I never want to watch another commercial again.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Gone with the Sheepdog
Our Old English Sheepdog Casey sleeps in our bedroom. I know, I know, she is spoiled. Let me mention that she weighs 103 pounds. So the other night she wakes up my husband in the middle of the night by pawing him on the nose. My husband wakes up to find her wearing our bedroom curtains ala Carol Burnett in the Gone with the Wind Skit. This is the second set of drapes that she has "removed" from the wall. I am love sick for that crazy dog.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Grandview High School Unified Basketball
It has been a great few weeks for our family. My son is a student partner athlete on the Unified Basketball team. It was featured today in the NY Times.
Unified Teams Take Special Olympics Approach to School Sports
AURORA, Colo. — Not long ago, high school was a
lonesome place for Shane Powell. A quiet, gangly 17-year-old, he could not help
noticing the whispers in the hallways when he walked past, classmates poking fun
at him.
Matt Nager for The New York Times
Unified sports teams combine special-needs students, like
Powell, a 17-year-old junior who is cognitively delayed, and general-education
“I was picked on,” said Powell, who is cognitively
delayed and speaks in short, soft bursts. “I felt very sad.”
These days, Powell is a junior basketball star at
Grandview, a sprawling
public high school of 2,600 students near Denver, and he prefers to be
called Big Shane, a nickname reinforced by his 6-foot-4 beanpole frame.
Through a collaboration with the Special Olympics, Powell and nearly
two dozen other special education students participate on basketball and
cheerleading squads at Grandview. They not only take part in school
competitions, but also team up with general education students, called partner
At Grandview, these unified teams are upending high
school’s archetypal and often cruel social order. Largely invisible in the past,
special education students now slap hands with lettermen in the hallways, chat
with new friends and live a high school existence that “feels normal,” said one
parent, Kelly Shearer.
Kurt Wollenweber, Grandview’s principal, said:
“Unified has transformed the culture of this school. It was almost as if these
kids weren’t noticed before we began doing this. I don’t think anyone realized
how powerful they are.”
Born of the idea that athletic events can be
especially transformative when they include individuals who have special needs
alongside those who do not, unified programs have existed about two decades.
In 2008, with money from the federal Department of
Education, the Special Olympics began putting the programs into schools. More
than 2,000 schools in 42 states have unified athletic programs, with varying
levels of intensity.
“We know that the interaction that happens in unified
sports is the point at which a change in attitude happens for all students
involved,” said Andrea Cahn, the senior director of Project Unify for
the Special Olympics national office in Washington.
“Our athletes have an unconditional appreciation for
other people. They persevere even in the face of being bullied and teased. We
can pull back the veil of the unknown and make people real.”
With unified basketball, one of the more common sports
played at schools, modified rules require at least three players with cognitive
disabilities for each team on the court. The remaining players can be partner
athletes, who typically do not take many shots.
Last school year, Grandview’s first using unified
programs, the basketball team went 8-1 and won the state Special Olympics
championship. The games, which are usually played between the junior varsity and
varsity contests, crackle with the intensity of traditional high school sports.
They regularly outdraw them, too.
At a recent game against the rival Overland’s unified
team, a packed crowd of students, parents and faculty members roared for both
sides, seeming not to care about the wild shots hoisted high off the backboard,
traveling violations or which team scored.
Cory Chandler, Grandview’s young coach, who also
coaches freshman baseball and football at Grandview, pumped his fist after the
freshman Mathew Philippi sank his first basket of the season.
Philippi, who is autistic and barely speaks, threw his
hands up in shock, grinned sheepishly and shuffled toward the bench before a
partner athlete coaxed him down the floor to play defense.
“It’s unlike any coaching experience I’ve ever had,”
Chandler said. “I’ve never got teary-eyed during baseball or football. With
this, I fight back tears during every game.”
The effect, at least at Grandview, is equally profound
for partner athletes, who in many cases are popular overachievers, handpicked by
coaches and special education teachers.
“These guys are not my teammates anymore; they are
more my friends,” said Payton Soicher, a senior baseball player who also plays
unified basketball.
In Colorado, whose state Special Olympics organization
has been at the forefront of the unify movement, the program is also growing.
This academic year, 20 high schools fielded unified programs, with 325 special
education students participating. Last school year 11 schools and 155 special
education students were involved. The number of partner athletes has also risen
Jon Hoerl, an assistant principal at Overland, helped
start the program at Grandview when he was its athletic director.
The kids get to wear the same uniforms, the same warm-ups,” Hoerl said. “We
announce the lineups. The whole idea is to get them the mainstream experience of
a high school athlete. They just want to be included.”.
Georgi McFail, a Grandview sophomore, has Apert syndrome,
a genetic disease characterized by severe physical deformities. She was teased
mercilessly in middle school, said Shearer, her mother.
“Just a lot of tears,” Shearer recalled.
A Grandview special education teacher told them about
the unified spirit squad, and with some nudging, McFail joined.
“Her confidence has just soared,” Shearer said. “Now
she says, ‘I’m going to be a cheerleader all through high school.’ She doesn’t
feel so different anymore.”
At the basketball game against Overland, McFail, in
her blue-and-white uniform, cheered quietly, keeping up with all the steps. She
threw her hands, which have fused bones and which she used to hide in her
pockets, high in the air.
“I get to go cheer for the games, and the varsity
cheerleaders have become my good friends,” she said.
They had plenty to cheer about, as the teams traded
baskets during a close second half. Michael Bush, a senior with cerebral palsy
who had fallen in with a rough crowd before joining the basketball team, stared
at the ceiling after missing a layup. Seconds later, he hit a jump shot and
implored the crowd to cheer.
Bush’s friend Big Shane Powell, though, was the star
of the game, flying down the floor to make layup after layup. Chandler, the
coach, recalled a time when Powell, who also has behavioral disorders, was
filled with anger and once threw punches at him and another coach during
After Grandview built a big lead during a recent game,
Chandler pulled Powell aside.
“I told him, ‘I want you to be a partner athlete for
the rest of the game,’ ” Chandler said.
Powell hustled back into the game, grabbed a rebound
and handed the ball to an opposing player so he could make a shot, too.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Mondo Guerra
Don't be jealous, but I will be hanging out with Mondo Guerra tonight at the Goodwill Exchange Clothing Swap and Fashion Show. We will be featuring Goodwill clothing, designs by Denver Fashion students, and a one of a kind outfit created by Mondo himself. I hope to see you there. If you can't make it I will update you tomorrow with all of the details!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Grandview High School Unified Basketball
My son Payton is an able-bodied helper on the Grandview High School Unified Basketball Team. I can't express how amazing the program is to everyone involved. The coaches, players, and helpers are all students working together to have a great athletic experience. Grandview High School also has a Unified Cheer Squad that cheers at all of the games. Keep the hankies handy! "Grandview High School is making a significant impact in changing their school climate to be inclusive and accepting of all students, including those with intellectual disabilities, setting a standard for Special Olympics Project UNIFY around the nation and inspiring many people in the Denver metro community and throughout the state! More than 85 students from Grandview HS are engaged in the school’s second-year program that includes Unified Cheer, Unified Basketball and Project UNIFY Partners Club and Youth Activation Committee. This innovative program is bringing young people together, both with and without disabilities, and it’s been a life-changing experience for the family, friends, community leaders, and sports fans around the Denver metro area who have been there this past year to cheer on a Colorado Special Olympic athlete compete on their high school unified team with the student body in attendance, the band playing and the cheerleaders cheering!" They are competing in a Top 9 News story contest, and you can vote for them here. You can watch the video and vote if you have a minute! Thanks!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Downton Abbey Recap
Here is why you shouldn't watch Downton Abbey with a 16 year old boy. Thank G-d I have it on the DVR so I can re-watch last night's episode over.
Boy-"Who is that? What do you mean she was married, isn't she like twelve? Why are they over-acting? That girl needs a spray tan. Is Daisy her real name? What kind of name is that, that is a dog's name. It's lame when you say the name of the show in the episode. Why is everyone so nosy? Those walls seem pretty thin for a mansion. Are there any murders?
Who is that guy? He looks like Voldemort, no wonder no one can recognize him. Ohh those are butlers like Alfred in Batman. So that guy is like Bruce Wayne? Wouldn't it be cool if that guy turned into Batman or something? (he is Marvel Comics Encyclopedia)
Me- I will try that episode again today while the boys are at school.
Friday, February 3, 2012
This is our little secret
(This is just a re-enactment photo)
Yesterday was a fun day. Fun like a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. My son needed a ride home from school so during the middle of a very exciting game of Mahjong I quickly left to pick him up. Normally there isn't a car parked behind me in the driveway BUT yesterday my brother-in-law parked his Brand New Car riiiiiight behind mine.
(Do you remember the term foreshadowing from high school English?)
Can you guess what happened next? CRuuuunnccchhhhh. Yeah. I backed into his car. I really shouldn't be allowed to get behind the wheel. The good news is that it will be something to talk about in therapy next week! The other good news is that he took it pretty well, and he claims it can just be "buffed out". I plan on keeping this little detail to need to bother my husband with that little mishap. My brother in law told me to keep the money for repairs to get my husband hair plugs. At least he has a sense of humor.
So a friend offers to take me to school to pick up my son and WE BOTH FORGOT OUR CELL PHONES in all of the excitement and my younger son is nowhere to be found. So I go into the weight room to look for my older son who just so happens to be in a dip contest with sweaty (stinky) high school boys cheering him when he's done I ask to borrow his phone. Have you ever been lectured to by a high school boy about being responsible and keeping your phone with you at all times? It's fun you should try it.
Found Son. Snowed two feet, snow day from school. I plan on never driving again. Everyone should be relieved. The End.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
The one where I nearly had a nervous breakdown in Goodwill
Mondo and Lisa last year
Sooo yesterday I was shopping with a lovely news anchor in town. We were getting ready for the Goodwill Clothing Exchange and Clothing Swap with Mondo! She is the cutest thing ever by the way. Well as you know shopping at Goodwill is always exciting, and yesterday was no exception. She was kind enough to start trying on all of these cute dresses for the event, and I was bringing things to the dressing room for her to try on. She came out of the dressing room in one of the outfits and we both went to the accessories section to see if we could find a teeny, tiny, wee little belt for her waist. Did I mention that she is pregnant? So we were looking for a little belt to fit over her baby bump. As we were chatting and shopping and just Goodwill browsing, she makes her way back to the fitting room, and that is when I realized that someone else is in her dressing room trying on clothes.
Cue the sweating....because I start to think, "PLEASE oh please oh please DO NOT TELL ME that someone else could possibly be TRYING on Lisa's clothes." The ones that she came in with.....Let me tell you that I AM NOT the type of person that could just knock on the dressing room door and say, "excuse me miss....can you please take off the news anchor clothing, that would be great thanks!" Can you imagine someone coming out of the dressing room wearing Lisa's clothes, and then I would have to have a very strange conversation, needless to say, I am frozen with fear. I actually starting thinking, who do you call to sign up for unemployment...hmmm..I need to look into that......I didn't even know where to I tell Lisa? do I get on my knees and say a prayer? light a candle? just get back to my car and drive off? Whaaaaa......***Do I need to say here that my mind can take a situation and make a run with it?
Right then I noticed that she had her original clothing in her bag and that no one was trying it on. Crisis Averted.
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