Starting from the beginning, this is my closet. If I stand in the middle I can almost touch both walls. It is long and narrow.
I screwed that door back on to keep the scary things in the attic, and try not to think about what could be hiding behind that little door in the middle of the night.
Is this too many boots? I don't think so either. Yes the Uggs got donated to Goodwill.
Here is where the boots are going.
But before you start loading in the boots, you can take some old magazines and roll them up.The slide the rolled up magazine into your boots to keep their shape and stay upright on the shelf.
Loook how pretty this looks!
I grew up in earthquake country so I bolted the boot shelf to the wall. No we don't have earthquakes in Denver, but better safe than sorry!
How's that for a $15.00 bookcase, some spray paint and A Lot of Goodwill cowboy and riding boots!
YES, ALL of the boots came from various Goodwill stores all around the Denver area.
I did leave some for you!
(Well if you don't wear a 7.5)