It was the winter of his discontent.........What the &%^(@! Try again! Think harder!
It was the winter of his discontent....over and over and over...So I started to laugh because of the absurdity of it all....and the giggles turn into laughter which turned into guffaws which led right into hysteria then weeping.....excellent.... No! I have no idea where that came from!! I had to go home and Google it....turns out it is a part of a Shakespeare play...and yes the doctor asked me earlier about Hamlet so maybe that is where it came from...but still.....*the real quote is, Now is the winter of our discontent. Richard III
So when I was decorating for Halloween I thought of the perfect decoration.......Soooo remember "The Shining" when Jack is working on a novel in the snowy hotel and when his wife goes to read it all it says is, "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy." Yeah its like that.
Scared yet? Me too.
i cannot believe you went through such traumatic car accidents. you look great! and your writing is lovely!