What size are you? Chances are that you can wear up to 4 different sizes. What does that mean for you? Well, it means that you have to try some things on....uuurrrraaghhh! I know!! I also HATE to try things on...especially at the GDub where well I am convinced that some person is going to see my "Snow Day" underwear. *Side Note....Dear Old Navy, please package your underwear with the large graphics viewable in the package so I don't go home and realize that the adorable said underwear says "SNOW DAY" on my arse...... OK...where was I? Oh yeah, try on your stuff at the GDub so that you don't come home with clothing that wont work for you.
Notice in the photo on the top right...the pants are very close in size.....
The pants on the left are Ann Taylor 2P. Just so you know, and I hope not to burst any bubbles here, but Ann Taylor uses vanity sizing which means that you wear one number size smaller than you would in a regular department store. The pants on the left are Kenneth Cole size 8 regular. Well they both fit me and I normally wear a size 4. I will say that the 8's were a little big, but not as big as I would think they would be. (*Ok Catrina you can have the pants now. We bought them at our last GDub shop-athon but I asked her to give them to me to photograph.....) That being said, I once had to buy a pair of jeans in a mountain town due to freezing whether during the middle of summer...my only choice was WallllMart and I tried on a billion pair of jeans in one particular style and I ended up with a size 12. No, not a children's size 12...a ladies 12....I wouldn't have guessed that!
So put on your largest, least offensive pair of Snow Day underwear and try on those clothes ladies, you'll be glad you did!!!
I have this difficulty with clothing, only to be compounded by my short stature. They don't seem to make clothing for regular people.