
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My dream car....

Have you seen the Fall Tommy Hilfiger Campaign? Holy Moly.....The Jeep Wagoneer with the wood sides is my all time favorite car! I love the whole entire premise. Tailgating.....picnics.....skiing....plaid....the whole thing... Sooo I thought I would put together some Goodwill Finds to help you re-create you own little Hilfiger reality!

Do you love it?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Our Holiday Outfits

Here's what my husband could wear to his office party....oh wait no one has office parties anymore...dang it. My husband would rather poke a stick in his eye than attend an office party..... how did we find eachother again?

... because I could wear this little number to do the electric slide with his boss.

I haven't been posting here much, so if you miss me terribly head over to or to find me!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ghost me baby.

Need a potters wheel to get all "Ghost" and what not? Try the Goodwill on Parker and Belleview. It's right in the front of the store. You can't miss it. You're welcome.